Bricks, Beads and Bones: The Harappan Civilization (chapter 1)

Theme –I : Bricks, Beads and Bones: The Harappan Civilization (chapter 1)
Q1.From where did Harappans get gold?
(a) South India
(b) Central India
(c) Himalayan Region
(d) Chotta Nagpur region
 Answer (a) South India
Explanation: South India was the main source of Gold. During the period of the Indus Valley Civilization (7380 BC-1500 BC), gold from the Kolar mine in Karnataka, South India, reached Indus Valley sites in what is now Pakistan.
Q2. Consider the following statement:
1. After independence, most of the Harappan civilization centres went over to Pakistan.
2. The Harappan script has been deciphered.
3. Rulers had an important role in Harappan civilization.
4. Dead were buried in Harappa.
Which of the above is correct statement?
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 1, 3 and 4
(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(d) 2, 3 and 4
Answer: (b) 1, 3 and 4
Explanation: Harappan Civilization was one the earliest civilization. After Partition of India and Pakistan most of the part of the Harappan civilization went to Pakistan. From evidences of Harappan Civilization it is comes to know people were buried after death.
Q.3 Consider the following statements about the seals of Proto-Shiva.
1. There is a mention of a diety ‘Rudra’ in ancient religious texts.
2. Later on Rudra word was used for Shiva.
3. Rudra is not mentioned as Pashupati in Rigveda.
4. Depiction of Pashupati does not match the mention of Rudra in Rigveda.
Which of the given statements is/are correct?
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4
(b) 1, 2, 3
(c) 2, 3, 4
(d) 1, 3, 4
Answer: (a) 1, 2, 3, 4
Explanation: The Pashupati Seal (also Mahayogi seal,
[1] Proto-Śiva seal;
[2]the adjective "so-called" 
sometimes applied to "Pashupati"),[3] is a steatite seal which was uncovered in the 1928–29 Archaeological Survey of India excavations of the Indus Valley Civilisation ("IVC") site of Mohenjo-daro, then in the British Raj, and now in Pakistan. The seal depicts a seated figure that is possibly tricephalic (having three heads). The seated figure has been thought to be ithyphallic (having an erect penis), an interpretation that has been questioned by many, but was still held by the IVC specialist Jonathan Mark Kenoyer in a publication of 2003.[4] The man has a horned headdress and is surrounded by animals. He may represent a horned deity.
Q4 Match the following :
(i)Harappan                              (a) Gujarat
(ii)Dholavira                              (b) Jammu & Kashmir
(iii)Manda                                  (c) Rajasthan
(iv)Kalibanga.                            (d) Pakistan
a. (i) d, (ii) a, (iii) b, (iv) c
b. (i) b, (ii) c, (iii) d, (iv) a
c. (i)c, (ii)b, (iii)a, (iv) d
d. (i)a, (ii)b, (iii)c, (iv)d
 Answer: a. (i) d, (ii) a, (iii) b, (iv) c
Explanation: Harappan Civilization evidences were found in Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir, Rajasthan and 
parts of Pakistan.
Q5. One word answer
(i)Name any two sculptors of Harappa. 
Answer 1. Terracotta bull, 2.Mother goddess
(ii)Who discovered Harappan Civilasation.
 Answer. M.S. Vats
(iii)Name any two places of Harappan Civilization
Answer: Mohenjodaro, Lothal
(iv)Reat Bath found in which place .
: Mohenjodaro
Explanation: Indus civilization, also called Indus valley civilization or Harappan civilization, the 
earliest known urban culture of the Indian subcontinent. The nuclear dates of the civilization appear to be about 2500–1700 BCE, though the southern sites may have lasted later into the 2nd millennium BCE. 
Among the world’s three earliest civilizations—the other two are those of Mesopotamia and Egypt—the 
Indus civilization was the most extensive.
Q6. True/False
(i)Harappan was the urban civilasation ( ) Answer (True)
(ii)Harappan people were not do business ( ) Answer (False)
(iii)Mohenjodaro is situated in Gujrat ( ) answer (false)
(iv)Harappan people knows writing ( ) Answer (True)
(an people worships mother goddess ( ) Answer (True)
Explanation. Harappan civilization was Urban Civilzation. People of Harappa do business with other country 
like Mesopotamia. According to evidences people of Harappa worship mother goddess. 
 7. Identify the sculpture and choose the correct answer
(a) Priest King 
(b) Mother Goddess
(c) God Shiva
(d) Others 
Answer (a) Priest King
Explanation: The popular art of the Harappans was in the form of terra-cotta figurines. The majority are of 
standing females, often heavily laden with jewelry, but standing males—some with beard and horns—are also 
present. It has been generally agreed that these figures are largely deities (perhaps a Great Mother and a Great 
God), but some small figures of mothers with children or of domestic activities are probably toys. There are 
varieties of terra-cotta animals, carts, and toys—such as monkeys pierced to climb a string and cattle that nod 
their heads. Painted pottery is the only evidence that there was a tradition of painting. Much of the work is 
executed with boldness and delicacy of feeling, but the restrictions of the art do not leave much scope for creativity.
Q 8. Which town in Indus Vally Civilasation had no Citadel
(a) Mohenjodaro
(b) Harappa
(c) Chanhudaro
(d) Lothal
Answer: (C) chanhudaro
Explanation: Some of the oldest known structures which have served as citadels were built by the Indus Valley 
Civilisation, where citadels represented a centralised authority. Citadels in Indus Valley were almost 12 meters 
tall.[2] The purpose of these structures, however, remains debated. Though the structures found in the ruins 
of Mohenjo-daro were walled, it is far from clear that these structures were defensive against enemy attacks. 
Rather, they may have been built to divert flood waters.
Q9. Which of these is the feature of Harappan Civilization?
(a) Urban planning
(b) Drainage system
(c) Citadel and Lower town
(d) All of these
Answer: (d) All of these
Explanation: The civilisation's cities were noted for their urban planning, baked brick houses, 
elaborate drainage systems, water supply systems, clusters of large non-residential buildings, and new 
techniques in handicraft (carnelian products, seal carving) and metallurgy (copper, bronze, lead, and tin)
Q10. Which of these was the source of copper for Harappans?
(a) Karnataka
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Andhra Pradesh
(d) Gujarat
Answer: (b) Rajasthan
Explanation: "The Harappans are referred to as a Bronze Age culture," writes Vasant Shinde, "and they used 
copper and bronze to manufacture axes, adzes, knives, fish hooks, chisels, pots and pans and jewelry in form of 
bangles, beads, or diadem strips.
Q11. Which of these was the cause of decline of Harappan civilization?
(a) Climatic Change
(b) Floods
(c) Deforestation
(d) All of these
Answer : (d) All of these
Explanation: Many scholars believe that the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilization was caused by climate 
change. Some experts believe the drying of the Saraswati River, which began around 1900 BCE, was the main 
cause for climate change, while others conclude that a great flood struck the area.
Q12. Which of these was not worshipped by the Harappan?
(a) Nature 
(b) Goddess
(c) Indra
(d) Pashupatinath
Answer: (c) Indra
Explanation: The importance of the worship of the Mother Goddess (Sakti) is proved by the discovery of 
numerous terra-cota figurines. The worship of Siva is suggested by the discovery of figure of a deity with three 
faces, with horned head dress, seating cross-legged in a Yogic posture, surrounded by animals like buffalo, 
rhinoceros, deer, tiger, etc. Two more figures representing Siva have been unearthed also. In these figures Siva 
seats in a Yogic posture and plants or flowers emerge from his head. The worship of Siva and Mother Goddess 
were widely prevalent. Animal worship is shown by seals and terracotta figurines. Worship of tree, fire, water 
and probably sun seems to have been in prominent among the Indus people. The discovery of a few seals 
bearing Swastika symbol and Wheel symbol also indicates Sun worship. Swastika is the symbol of the Sun.
Q13. Which of these is the other name of Harappan Civilization?
(i) Aryan civilization
(ii) Indus Valley Civilization
(iii) Vedic Civilization
(iv) Early Civilization
(a) Only (i) and (ii) are true
(b) Only (i) and (iii) are true
(c) Only (ii) and (iv) are true
(d) Only (iii) and (ii) are true
Answer: (c) Only (ii) and (iv) are true
Explanation: Harappan Civilazation was found near the Indus river. Due to the name of Indus river the 
civilization got name Indus valley civilization. 
Q14. Which of the following things were found at craft production centres in Harappan civilization?
1. Carnelian
2. Jasper
3. Crystal
4. Quartz
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 1,2,3, 4
(c) 2, 3, 4
(d) 2, 4
Answer: (b) 1,2,3, 4
Explanation: All the works of Harappan art, including figurines of clay and terracota, stone and bronze 
sculpture, seals and beads, are products of skilled craftsmen. Harappans produced their own characteristic 
pottery which was made glossy and shining. The Harappan artists were skilled sculptors.
Q 15. Identify the sculpture and choose the correct answer
(a) Mother Goddess
(b) Dancing Girl
(c) Priest king
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)Dancing Girl
Explanation: Dancing Girl is a prehistoric bronze sculpture made in lost-wax casting about c. 2300–1750 BCE 
in the Indus Valley Civilisation city of Mohenjo-daro, which was one of the earliest cities.
Q 16 The false statements about Harappan Civilization
Harappan people traded with Mesopotamia
Harappan people used bricks
Harappan people followed Hindunism 
Harappa was an Urban Revolution
 Answer: (iii) Harappan people followed Hindunism
Explanation: The significant features of Indus Valley civilization are personal cleanliness, town planning, 
construction of burnt-brick houses, ceramics, casting, forging of metals, manufacturing of cotton and 
woolen textiles.
Q17. Find out which one is not correctly matched
(A)1921 - (i) Mohenjodaro 
(B) 1921 - (ii) Harappa
(C) 1955 - (iii) Lothal 
(D)1990 - (iv) Dholavira
 Answer : (A) 1921 - (i) Mohenjodaro 
Explanation: Mohenjo-daro , meaning 'Mound of the Dead Men'; is an archaeological site in the province 
of Sindh, Pakistan. Built around 2500 BCE, it was one of the largest settlements of the ancient Indus Valley 
Civilisation, and one of the world's earliest major cities, contemporaneous with the civilizations of ancient 
Egypt, Mesopotamia, Minoan Crete, and Norte Chico. Mohenjo-daro was abandoned in the 19th century BCE 
as the Indus Valley Civilization declined, and the site was not rediscovered until the 1920s.
Q18. Which two strategies are adopted by the archaeologists to identify social differences among the 
Study of burials 
Study of script
Study of trade and commerce 
Study of artifacts
Choose the correct option
(a) Both ‘i’ and ‘ii’ 
(b) Both ‘i’ and ‘iv’
(c) Both ‘ii’ and ‘iii’
(d) Both ‘i’ and ‘iii’
Answer: (b) Both ‘i’ and ‘iv’
Explanation: After the partition of India in 1947, when most excavated sites of the Indus Valley civilisation lay 
in territory awarded to Pakistan, the Archaeological Survey of India, its area of authority reduced, carried out 
large numbers of surveys and excavations along the Ghaggar-Hakra system in india .
Q19. Which of the following metal was not known to the Harappans?
(a) Bronze
(b) Silver
(c) Copper
(d) Iron
Answer: (d) Iron
Explanation: Variety of metals such as copper, gold, silver was extensively used by the Harappan metal 
workers. Minor metals like tin, arsenic, lead, antimony etc. were used for alloying.
Q20. Who was the first Director General of the Archaeological Survey of India
(a) Alexander Cunningham
(b) John Marshall
(c) George Everest
(d) James Princep
Answer (a) Alexander Cunningham
Explanation: Sir Alexander Cunningham, (born Jan. 23, 1814, London, Eng. —died Nov. 28, 1893, London), 
British army officer and archaeologist who excavated many sites in India, including Sārnāth and Sānchi, and
served as the first director of the Indian Archaeological Survey.
Q21. From where did Harappans get Tin?
(a) Afghanistan
(b) Central India
(c) Himalayan Region
(d) Rajasthan
Answer : (a) Afghanistan
Explanation: The current evidence indicates that the Harappans got tin from scattered deposits available in 
Afghanistan. It is strongly suggested that Shortugai, a trading outpost of the IVC in Northern Afghanistan, 
might have had connections to the import of lapis lazuli, tin and camels into the cities of the Indus Valley 
Q22. The most important industry of harappan at chanhudro was
(a) Bead making
(b) Brick making
(c) Handloom
(d) Ship building
Answer (a) Bead making
Explanation: Evidence of shell working was found at Chanhudaro and bangles and ladles were 
made at this site.Harappan seals were made generally in bigger towns like Harappa, 
Mohenjadaro and Chanhudaro which were involved with administrative network. An Impressive
workshop, recognised as Bead Making Factory, was found at Chanhudaro, which included a furnace. Shell 
bangles, beads of many materials, stealite seals and metal works were manufactured at Chanhudaro.
Q23 The harappan script was written from
(a) Bottom to top
(b) Top to bottom
(c) Left to right
(d) Right to left
Answer (d) right to left
Explanation: The Indus script (also known as the Harappan script) is a corpus of symbols produced by 
the Indus Valley Civilization. Most inscriptions containing these symbols are extremely short, making it 
difficult to judge whether or not these symbols constituted a script used to record a language, or even symbolise 
a writing system. In spite of many attempts,the 'script' has not yet been deciphered, but efforts are ongoing. 
There is no known bilingual inscription to help decipher the script, and the script shows no significant changes 
over time. However, some of the syntax (if that is what it may be termed) varies depending upon location.
Q24. Archeologist have also found evidence of ploughed field at-
(a) Banawali
(b) Kalibangan
(c) Lothal
(d) Manda answer: (b) kalibanga
Explanation: Kalibangan is a part of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, located in present Hanumangarh 
district. The site was discovered by Luigi Pio Tessitori, an Italian Indologist and linguist. After Independence in
1952, Amlānand Ghosh identified the site as part of Harappan Civilization and marked it for excavation.
Q25. The roads and streets were laid out along an approximate----- pattern
(a) Grid
(b) Triangular
(c) Square
(d) Circle Answer: (a)Grid
Explanation: By 2600 BC, Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, major cities of the Indus Valley Civilization, were built 
with blocks divided by a grid of straight streets, running north–south and east–west.
Q26. Scholars have estimated that the total number of wells in Mohenjodaro was about ----
(a) 400
(b) 500
(c) 100
(d) 700 Answer (d) 700
Explanation: With the excavations done so far, over 700 wells are present at Mohenjo-daro, alongside 
drainage and bathing systems. This number is unheard of when compared to other civilizations at the time, 
such as Egypt or Mesopotamia, and the quantity of wells transcribes as one well for every three houses.
Q27. Which of the following items has not been found in the harappan civilasation 
(a) Pottery and ornaments 
(b) Iron hand axe
(c) Copper mirrors 
(d) Jewelry
Answer : (b) Iron hand axe
• Explanation: Piece of Pottery with Indus Script,Cubical Limestone Weight,Faience Slag,Sandstone 
statues of Human anatomy,Copper Bullock cart,Granaries,Coffin burials (Only founded in 
Harrapa),Terracotta Figurines Great bath,Granary,Unicorn Seals (Most numbers of it in here),Bronze 
dancing girl statue,Seal of a man with deers, elephants, tiger and rhinos around- Considered to be 
Pashupati Seal),Steatite statue of beard man,Bronze buffalo were found in harappan civilization.
Q28. Harappa is located on the banks of which river
(a) Indus 
(b) Chenab
(c) Ravi
(d) Jhelum
Answer: (C) Ravi
Explanation: harappan civilization found in the bank of the Rav river.
Q29. The false statement about Alexander Cunningham is
(a) He excavated many sites including Sanchi and Sarnath
(b) He played role in establishing Indian Archaeological Survey of India
(c) He become the first director General of Archaeological department
(d) He was a British doctor.
Answer (d) was a British doctor
Explanation: Sir Alexander Cunningham, (born Jan. 23, 1814, London, Eng. —died Nov. 28, 1893, London), 
British army officer and archaeologist who excavated many sites in India, including Sārnāth and Sānchi, and 
served as the first director of the Indian Archaeological Survey.
Q 30. What was the main feature of the Harappan Civilization?
(a) Town planning
(b) Art and architecture
(c) Administration
(d) Agriculture
Answer: (a) Town planning
Explanation: This civilization is extended far beyond the Indus Valley. The main towns of Indus valley 
civilization were Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, Kalibangan, Lothal. The significant features of Indus Valley 
civilization are personal cleanliness, town planning, construction of burnt-brick houses, ceramics, casting, 
forging of metals, manufacturing of cotton and woolen textiles. Mohenjo-Daro people had finest bath facilities, 
drainage system, and knowledge of personal hygiene.They were equally conscious of plant medicine since there 
was occasional warfare.The town planning and other characteristics indicate that a homogeneous indigenous 
culture developed.
Q31. Where were large granaries found?
(a) Lothal and Dholavira
(b) Kalibangan
(c) Banawali
(d) Harappan and Mohenjodaro
Answer : (d) Harappan and Mohenjodaro
Explanation: The so-called "granary" of Harappa is found on Mound F. It is a brick structure that was built on a 
massive brick foundation over 45 meters north south and 45 meters east-west. Two rows of six rooms that 
appear to be foundations are arranged along a central passageway that is about 7 meters wide and partly paved 
with baked bricks.
Q32. Mohenjodaro is located on the banks of which river
(a) Indus 
(b) Ganga 
(c) Ravi
(d) Jhelum
Answer : (a) Indus
Explanation: mohenjodaro was found on the banks of the Indus river
Q33.Which of the following is not one of the features of the Harappan writing?
(a) The harappan Script was pictographic and not alphabetical
(b) It has been deciphered by James Prinsep
(c) It had too many signs , somewhere between 375 and 400
(d) The script was written from right to left
Answer: It has been deciphered by James Prinsep
Explanation: 1.It was pictographic in nature as the script consisted of designs of animals,fishes and various 
forms of human figure too. 2.It was found to be inscribed on seals, terracota tablets, etc.
Q 34. Identify the picture
(a) Terracota bull
(b) Horse
(c) Copper bull
(d) Iron bull
Answer : (a) Terracota Bull
Explanation: The famous Bull seal has been discovered from Mohenjo-daro. Terracottas were made up of fire 
baked earthen clay which came to be called as Terracotta Figurines. They were either used as toys or objects of 
worship and represented birds, dogs, sheep, cattle and monkeys.
Q 35. Where Harappan civilization evidence were not found
(a) Gujrat
(b) Rajasthan 
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Chhattisgarh
Answer : (d) Chhattisgarh
• Explanation: The Indus River Valley Civilization, 3300-1300 BCE, also known as the Harappan Civilization, 
extended from modern-day northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India.
Q36. Harappan trade with which country?
(a) Mesopotamia
(b) France
(c) Germany
(d) Russia Answer: (a) Mesopotamia
Explanation: Other trade goods included terracotta pots, gold, silver, metals, beads, flints for making
tools, seashells, pearls, and colored gem stones, such as lapis lazuli and turquoise. There was an extensive 
maritime trade network operating between the Harappan and Mesopotamian civilizations.
Q37. Coastal area of harappan civilasation
(a) Kalibanga
(b) Mohenjodaro
(c) Lothal
(d) Banwali 
Answer: (c) Lothal
Explanation: Lothal is on the top of the Gulf of Khambat in Gujarat, India, near the Sabarmati River and the 
Arabian Sea. It is the most extensively researched Harappan coastal site. A bead factory and Persian Gulf seal 
have been found here suggesting that, like many sites on the Gulf of Khambat, it was deeply involved in trade.
Q 38. Name two harappan settelments which were specialized centers for making shell objects
(a) Lothal and Kalibanga
(b) Kalibanga and Mohenjodaro
(c) Nageshwar and Balakot
(d) Manda and Lothal
Answer: (c) Nageshwar and Balakot
Explanation: The two centres for making shell objects in the Harappan Civilisation are Nageshwar and 
Balakot. Shell objects like bangles, ladles and inlay were made at these specialized centres.
Q39. On the map of India mark and name:
(i) The port settlement of the Harappan civilization
(ii) The settlement where evidence of ploughed field was found.
(iii)The first site to be discovered
(iv)The site where the great Bath was found.
(v) A tiny settlement devoted to craft production
Explanation: The port settlement of the Harappan civilization was found in Lothal. evidence of ploughed field 
was found in kalibanga, grat bath was found in Mohenjodaro, the first site of Harappa civilization was Harappa, 
craft production was found in chanhudaro
Q40. In the 1960s, the evidence of massacre in Mohenjo-Daro was Questioned by an archeologist named George Dales. 
Ans.He Demonstrated that the skeletons found at the site did not belong to the same period: Whereas 
a couple of them definitely seem to indicate a slaughter, the bulk of the bones were found in contexts 
suggesting burials of the sloppiest and most irreverent nature. There is no destruction level covering the least 
period of the city,no sign of extensive burning, no bodies of warriors clad in armour and surrounded by the 
weapons of war. The citadel, the only fortified part of the city, yielded no evidence of a final defense.
From GF DALES, “The Mythical Mohenjo-Daro”, Expedition, 1964. As you can see,a careful re-examination of the data can sometimes leads to reversal of earlier interpretation.
Q1. Name the archeologist who presented this source?
Ans : Jhon Marshall
Q2. Which argument of the destruction of Harappan civilization, does this excerpt indicates?
Ans: This except indicates that the Harappa civilization was destroyed by foreign invasion.
Q3. Who corrected this evidence with Rig Veda? Why?
Ans: R.E.M. Wheeler. Rig veda mentions pur, meaning rampart, fort or strong-hold. Indra, the Aryans’ war god is called purandara, the fort destroyed.
Explation : Jhon Marshall archeologist was found harappan civilization. In the 1960s, the evidence of massacre 
in Mohenjo-Daro was Questioned by an archeologist named George Dales. REM wheeler corrected evidence with Rig veda.


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