

Question 1 to 5 are very short type  carrying two mark each.

Question 6 to 10 are short type  carrying three marks each.

Question 11 &12 are long type carrying five marks each.

1. What are agro-based industries ? Name any two.

2. Mention India’s cropping seasons.write two example of each.

3. Who started Bhoodan ? What was its aim ?

4. Name the Different Names of Slash and Burn Agriculture around the world? 

5. Name one important beverage crop and specify the geographical conditions required for its growth.

6. Describe the geographical conditions required for the growth of rice.

7. Establish the difference between Commercial farming and Subsistence farming with the help of a suitable example.

8. Explain the climatic conditions required for the production of jute. What are the uses of Jute ?

9. Describe the reforms brought in the Indian agriculture after independence through the efforts of the Indian government.

10. What are the challenges being faced by Indian farmers? What has this resulted in?

11. Name the crop which is main source of Sugar and Gur? What are the Geographical conditions required for its growth. Name the major areas of its production.

12. Explain the favourable temperature, rainfall and soil conditions required for the growth of tea. Name the leading tea producing states.


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