Class 12 Chapter 1 Bricks, Beads and Bones


Class 12 

Chapter 1

 Bricks, Beads and Bones: The Harappan Civilisation

Question 1. What is the most distinctive artifact of Harappan civilization?

Answer; The most distinctive Artifact of Harappan civilization is the Harappan seal.

Question 2. Which stone was used to make the Harappan seal?

Answer; Stone called "steatite" was used to make Harappan seal.

Question 3. What was the unique feature of Harappan seal?

Answer; Each Harappan seal contains animal motifs and signs.

Question 4. Do we have an understanding of the Harappan seal language?

Answer; No we have an understanding of the Harappan seal language.

Question 5. What is left behind in Harappa?

Answer; Harappa is left behind with their houses, pots, ornaments, tools and seals etc.

Question 6. What is other name for Indus valley civilization?

Answer; The other name for Indus valley civilization is Harappan culture or Harappan civilization.

Question 7. What do you understand by the term "culture"?

Answer; Archaeologist use the term "culture" for a group of objects distinctive in style, that are usually found together within a specific geographical area and period of time.

Question 8. Which was the first site discovered in Harappan civilization?

Answer; Harappa was the first site which was discovered.

Question 9. What is BP?

Answer; BP stands for before present.

Question 10. What is BCE?

Answer; BCE stands for before the common era.

Question 11. What is CE?

Answer; CE stands for the common era.

Question 12. How many sites were discovered in Sindh and Cholistan?

Answer; There were 106 and 239 sites respectively.

Question 13. What was the staple diet of harappans?

Answer; The harappans ate a variety of plant and animal products including fish.

Question 14. Who are archaeo-botanists?

Answer; Archaeo-botanists are specialists in ancient plant remains.

Question 15. How were the archaeologists able to construct dietary practices? 

Answer; The archaeologists were able to construct dietary practices from the finds of charred grains and seeds.

Question 16. Where were millets found?

Answer; Millets found in Gujarat.

Question 17. Which animals were domesticated in Harappa?

Answer; Animals such as cattle, sheep, goat, buffalo, pig etc. were domesticated in Harappa.

Question 18. Who are archaeo-zoologists?

Answer; Archaeo-zoologists are specialised in identifying animal bones.

Question 19. Which wild species were found in Harappa?

Answer; Wild species such as boar, deer, gharial were found in Harappa. 

Question 20. How is the prevalence of agriculture identicated?

Answer; The prevalence of agriculture is indicated by the finds of grains.

Question 21. How can we say that Bull was known?

Answer; Representations on seals and Terracotta sculpture identicate that Bull was known.

Question 22. Where do we find Terracotta models of plough?

Answer; Terracotta models of plough are found in Cholistan and Banawali.

Question 23. Where are ploughed fields found?

Answer; Kalibangan (Rajasthan).

Question 24. How can we say that two crops were grown together?

Question 24. How can we say that two crops were grown together?

Answer; The fields found had two sets of ferrous at right angle to each other, suggesting that two crops were grown together.

Question 25. Where are traces of canals found?

Answer; Traces of canals are found in Shortughai (Afghanistan).

Question 26. Where were water reservoirs found?

Answer; Water reservoirs were found in Dholavira (Gujarat).

Question 27. What is the most unique feature of Harappan civilization?

Answer; The most unique feature of Harappan civilization is the development of urban centres.

Question 28. Who was the first director general of ASI (archaeological survey of India)?

Answer; Alexander Cunningham was the first director general of ASI. 

Question 29. Who is the father of Indian archaeology?

Answer; Alexander Cunningham is the father of Indian archaeology.

Question 30. What is the most distinctive feature of Harappan sites?

Answer; The most distinctive feature of Harappan sites is carefully planned drainage system.

Question 31. Which sites were entirely fortified?

Answer; Dholavira and Lothal (Gujarat) were entirely fortified.

Question 32. How many Wells were found in Mohenjodaro?

Answer; 700 wells were found in Mohenjodaro.

Question 33. For what purpose did Citadel used?

Answer; Citadel was used for special public purposes such as ritual bath.

Question 34. Which structures are found in Citadel?

Answer; Structure such as warehouses and the great bath are found in the Citadel.

Question 35. Where were dead generally laid in Harappan sites?

Answer; In Harappan site dead were laid in pits. 

Question 36. How do archaeologists trace social differences?

Answer; They study burials and look for luxuries.

Question 37. What do you understand by Faience?

Answer; Faience is a material made of ground sand or silica mixed with colour and gum then fired.

Question 38. Why were Faience considered precious?

Answer; The Faience were considered precious because they were difficult to make.

Question 39. What are hoards?

Answer; Hoards are objects kept carefully by people often inside containers such as pots, for example such hoards can be of jewellery.

Question 40. Which site was devoted to craft production?

Answer; Chanhudaro was devoted to craft production.

 Question 41. How was red colour of Carnelian obtained?

Answer; The red colour of Carnelian was obtained by firing the yellowish raw material and Beads at various stages of production.

Question 42. Which settlements were famous for shell objects?

Answer; Nageshwar and Balakot were famous for shell objects. 

Question 43. How do archaeologist identify centres of craft production? 

Answer; Archaeologists usually look for raw materials, unfinished objects, tools and ore etc.

Question 44. What is lapis lazuli?

Answer; Lapis lazuli is a blue stone.

Question 45. Where were lapis lazuli found?

Answer; Lapis lazuli were found in Shortughai (Afghanistan).

Question 46. From where was copper brought?

Answer; Copper was brought from Oman.

Question 47. What does mesopotamian text refer to meluhha?

Answer; Mesopotamian text refers to meluhha as land of seafarers.

Question 48. Write one importance of seals?

Answer; Sealing conveyed the identity of the sender. 

Question 49. Which is the longest inscription found?

Answer; The longest inscription contains about 26 signs. 

Question 50. How was the Harappan script written?

Answer; Script was written from right to left. 

Question 51. Weights were made up of which stone?

Answer; The weights were made up of stone called chert. 

Question 52. When was Cholistan abandoned?

Answer; Cholistan was abandoned by 1800 BCE.

Question 43. How do archaeologist identify centres of craft production? 

Answer; Archaeologists usually look for raw materials, unfinished objects, tools and ore etc.

Question 44. What is lapis lazuli?

Answer; Lapis lazuli is a blue stone.

Question 45. Where were lapis lazuli found?

Answer; Lapis lazuli were found in Shortughai (Afghanistan).

Question 46. From where was copper brought?

Answer; Copper was brought from Oman.

Question 47. What does mesopotamian text refer to meluhha?

Answer; Mesopotamian text refers to meluhha as land of seafarers.

Question 48. Write one importance of seals?

Answer; Sealing conveyed the identity of the sender. 

Question 49. Which is the longest inscription found?

Answer; The longest inscription contains about 26 signs. 

Question 50. How was the Harappan script written?

Answer; Script was written from right to left. 

Question 51. Weights were made up of which stone?

Answer; The weights were made up of stone called chert. 

Question 52. When was Cholistan abandoned?

Answer; Cholistan was abandoned by 1800 BCE.

Question 53. What is Deadman Lane?


Question 54. When did Alexander Cunningham begin excavations?

Answer; Alexander Cunningham began excavations in the mid 19th century. 

Question 55. Where was Cunningham's main interest?

Answer; Cunningham's main interest was in the archaeology of early history (6th century BCE 4th century CE) and later period.

Question 56. What was the base of Cunningham research to locate early settlements?

Answer; Cunningham used the accounts left by Chinese Buddhist pilgrims, who had visited the subcontinent between the fourth and 7th centuries, to locate early settlements. 

Question 57. Who gave the Harappan seal to Alexander Cunningham?

Answer; Harappan seal was given to Cunningham by an Englishman. 

Question 58. Why did Cunningham fail to place objects found within a time frame?

Answer; Cunningham failed because he thought that Indian history begin with the first cities in Ganga valley. 

Question 59. What are mounds?

Answer; When people continue to live in some place their constant use and reuse of the landscape result in the build up of occupational debris called a mound. 

Question 60. What is stratigraphy?

Answer; Study of layers is called stratigraphy

Question 61. Who discovered seals at Harappa in the early decades of the 20th century?

Answer; Dayaram Sahni.

Question 62. Who found seals in Mohenjodaro?

Answer; Rakhal Das Banerjee. 

Question 63. Who announced the discovery of a new civilization in the Indus valley?

Answer; John Marshall (director general of ASI). 

Question 64. When did John Marshall announce the discovery of civilization in Indus valley?

Answer; In 1924.

Question 65. What did S.N. Roy noted in The Story of Indian Archaeology?

Answer; He noted "Marshall left India 3000 years older than he found her".

Question 66. Who was the first professional archaeologist to work in India?

Answer; John Marshall. 

Question 67. Who was REM Wheeler?

Answer; REM Wheeler took over as director general of the ASI in 1944, he was an ex-army brigadier.

Question 68. What are the principles of classifying finds?

Answer; Finds are classified 

1. in terms of material

2. in terms of functions. 

Question 69. What do you understand by an artefact?

Answer; Artefact is a tool or an ornament or both or something meant for ritual use.

Question 70. What is a unicorn?

Answer 71; One horned animal is called a unicorn. 

Question 72. When was Rigveda composed?

Answer; Rigveda was compiled between c. 1500 - 1000 BCE. 

Question 73. What do you mean by Linga?

Answer; A Linga is a polished stone that is worshipped as a symbol of Shiva.

Question 74. Who are Shamans?

Answer; Shamans are men and women who claim magical and healing powers, as well as an ability to communicate with other worlds. 

Question 75. When did MS Vats begin excavation at Harappa?

Answer; In 1921. 

Question 76. When did excavation begin in Mohenjodaro?

Answer; In 1925. 

Question 77. When did REM Wheeler excavate at Harappa?

Answer; In 1946. 

Question 78. Who began excavations at Lothal in 1955?

Answer; S.R. Rao. 

Question 79. Who began excavation at Kalibangan in 1960?

Answer; B.B. Lal and B.K Thapar. 

Question 80. When did surface exploration begin by a team of German and Italian archaeologists at Mohenjodaro?

Answer; In 1980.

Question 81. Who began excavations at Dholavira in 1990?

Answer; R.S Bisht.

Question 82. When did the American team begin excavations at Harappa?

Answer; In 1986. 

Question 83. List out grains found in Harappa?

Answer; Wheat, barley, lentils, chickpea, sesame, millets etc.

Question 84. What did mesopotamian call Harappa?

Answer; They called it Meluhha. 

Question 85. How can we say that copper was brought from Oman in Harappa?

Answer; Chemical analysis has shown that the Omani copper and Harappan artifacts have traces of nickel, which suggest copper was brought from Oman.

Question 86. What was the ratio of Harappan bricks?

Answer; The length and the breath were four times and twice the height respectively.

Question 87. What was the lower town?

Answer; Lower towns were the residential buildings centered on Courtyard with rooms on all sides.

Question 88. How can we say that irrigation was required for crop production in Harappa?

Answer; Most Harappan sites are located in semi-arid lands where irrigation was required for agriculture.

Question 89. What was a great bath?

Answer; The great bath was a large rectangular tank in a Courtyard surrounded by a corridor on all four sides.

Question 90. Were Harappan script alphabetical?

Answer; It was evidently not alphabetical as it has just too many signs between 375 and 400.


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