1.Who was REM Wheeler? Mention any one of his contribution in the field of archaeology?

2.Who was John Marshall? How did he mark a change in Indian archaeology?

3.Discuss whether the concept of equality was followed by the harappan society .

4.What are the evidence found why the archaeologist which show that the Harappans had contact with distant lands? Does it show that the contacts proved 2 have a good trade relation with each ?

5.Write any 3 views on the decline of Harappan civilization .

6.Write any 3 characteristics of the bricks used in Harappan settlements.

7.List the raw material required for craft protection in harappan civilization and discuss how these might have been obtained.

8.How does the architectural feature of mohenjodaro indicate town planning.

9. Hadappa script is enigmatic according to archaeologist and Historians.. justify.

10.What are the aspects of harappan economy that have been reconstructed from archaeological evidences?

11.What are the problems in archaeological interpretation and reconstruction of the past specially of religious practices and beliefs?explained in context of Harappa.


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