Changing culture tradition

 Changing culture tradition

1.State the features of Humanistic thought. 

 Ans.(I) The Humanist thought implied that religious teachings alone could not provide answers to a holistic life. This culture was labelled as Humanism by the historians in the 19th century.

    (ii)By the early 15th century, the term 'humanist' was used for       masters who taught grammar, poetry, history, moral philosophy and rhetoric.

     (iii) These subjects were not drawn from or connected with religion,  emphasised skills developed by individuals through discussion and debate.

2.Explain the changes that help in the revival of Italian culture after the fall of western Roman Empire.

Ans. Political and cultural centres in Italy were destroyed after the fall of Western Roman Empire. 

(i)There was no unified government during those times.

(ii) Pope was not strong though he was sovereign in his own state.

(iii) For a long time, the regions of Western Europe were shaped by feudal relations unified under the Latin Church.

 (iii)Changes were brought about in Eastern Europe under the Byzantine empire.

 (iv)Islam too was creating a common civilisation in the west.

(iv) The revival of trade gave a new lease of life to the port cities of Italy which became centres of growing commerce.(v)  the merchants and the bankers assumed an important role instead of the clergy or the state. 

      These changes helped in revival of the Italian culture.

3. What do you mean by Renaissance? Discuss its main characteristics.

Ans. The term 'Renaissance' means rebirth. It signalled a movement as a result of which the western nations came out of the darkness of the middle ages and embarked on a new era of influenced by the ideas and styles of modern age. It encouraged free thinking and set new standards. Its main characteristics were:

(i) City-states of Italy became the first centre of Renaissance.

(ii) There was development of new style of art and architecture and literature.

(iii)There was emergence of several new towns like Genoa.

(iv) Free thought and Humanism developed.

4. Describe the main causes and consequences of Renaissance. 

Ans. (i)By the mid-14th century, new towns had emerged that were characterised by prosperity and freedom of thought. 

(ii)Such an atmosphere was conducive to development of the Renaissance. As Constantinople had been occupied by Turks, many scholars and artists had migrated to Italy where they flourished.

(iii) The invention of the printing press helped to spread their ideas rapidly.

(iv)As a consequence, new geographical discoveries were made. Countries like America and India were discovered. 

(v) Humanism was given preference in artistic and literary works.

 (vi)Many new discoveries and inventions were made encouraged by the spirit of enquiry.

Long type

5. Why did Renaissance appear in Italy first? What changes did it bring about in the contemporary life of the people?

Ans. Renaissance first appeared in Italy because of the following reasons:

(i) Fall of Constantinople: The learned Christian scholars due to fear of being persecuted by the Turks, fled to Italy and brought good literary ideas with them that helped them to share knowledge.

(ii) Decline of Feudalism: It helped in emergence of new towns and cities based on trade and commerce.

 (iii) Geographical location of Italy: As Italy was situated half way between Europe and Middle East, the Italian cities became centres of prosperous trade and commerce.

Changes brought about by Renaissance included:

(i) The old age thinking of religious superstitions was given up and Humanism was encouraged.

(ii) New ideas and a rational outlook with scientific beliefs were adopted.

(iii) It inspired the contemporary artists and writers and philosophers to write about 'man and his accomplishments.

(iv) Many new universities were established that taught humanism.

(v) With the coming of the printing press education and knowledge spread quickly.
