SARASWATI VIDYA MANDIR KAMLA NAGAR ,AGRA

                                                                            UNIT TEST-2




M.M-40.                                                                                                                                  TIME-2HOURS


All questions are Compulsory.

Section A:Question number 1 to 10 or Carrying 1 marks each.

Section B:Question number 11 to 15 are carrying 3 marks each.

Section C: Question number 16 to 18 are carrying 5 marks each.


1.Renaissance is best known for its

(a) cultural developments

(b) social developments

(c) political developments

(d) economic developments

2. Andreas Vesalius was a professor of _____ at the University of Padua.

(a) Medicine

(b) Astronomy

(c) Philosophy

(d) Mathematics

3. The Native American tribe, which was forcibly evicted by US President Andrew Jackson, was ____________

(a) Hopis

(b) Cherokees

(c) Metis

(d) Ottawas

4. The term Terra Nullius means:

(a) Land belonging to nobody

(b) Land belonging to natives

(c) Land belonging to the state

(d) Land of immigrants

5. Who is considered as the greatest historian of early China?

(a)Sima Qian

(b)Ling Sichai

(c) June Muni take

(d)Mateo Ricci

6. The slogan Fukoku Kyohei under the Meiji rule in Japan meant _______

(a) rich country, strong army

(b) strong lands, strong rivers

(c) rich lands, strong rivers

(d) rich country, weak nation                                                                                                       

7. How had Nishitani Keiji defined the term “Modem”?


 What were the three essential factors of Confucianism?

8. When did the U.S.A sent Commodore Matthew Perry to Japan?

9. When did states in Australia unite and what was the name given to its capital?

10. What do you mean by aborigine?


 In what context, the law became a subject of study?


11. Write any three causes of the origin of nation-States.

12. Discuss about the new school system in Japan.

13. Discuss about the exploitation of natives in Australia.

14. Discuss the different reason for the revival of Italian .

15. Write a brief note on the Gold Rush and reasons for the growth of industries in North America.


16. What was the role of major reform in modernising the Japan economy? what were the demographic changes that happened in Japan due to economic reforms and Japanese government reaction to it?

17. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-94), a humanist of Florence, wrote on the importance of debate in On the Dignity of Man (1486). 'For [Plato and Aristotle) it was certain that, for the attainment of the knowledge of truth they were always seeking for themselves, nothing is better than to attend as often as possible the exercise of debate. For just as bodily energy is strengthened by gymnastic exercise, so beyond doubt in this wrestling-place of letters, as it were, energy of mind becomes far stronger and more vigorous.'

What did he say about the importance of debate in 'On the Dignity of Man"?

(i) Who is the author of passage? what did the author write about?                            ½ + ½

(ii) what did GP Della Mirandola say about the importance of debate in ‘On the dignity of man'?                                                                                                                            2

(iii) what is the analogy used by the author to describe the importance of debate?    2

18. Discuss about the history Lifestyle languages and belief of native people of North America.



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