
Showing posts from January, 2023

Changing culture tradition

 Changing culture tradition 1.State the features of Humanistic thought.   Ans.(I) The Humanist thought implied that religious teachings alone could not provide answers to a holistic life. This culture was labelled as Humanism by the historians in the 19th century.     (ii)By the early 15th century, the term 'humanist' was used for       masters who taught grammar, poetry, history, moral philosophy and rhetoric.      (iii) These subjects were not drawn from or connected with religion,  emphasised skills developed by individuals through discussion and debate. 2.Explain the changes that help in the revival of Italian culture after the fall of western Roman Empire. Ans. Political and cultural centres in Italy were destroyed after the fall of Western Roman Empire.  (i)There was no unified government during those times. (ii) Pope was not strong though he was sovereign in his own state. (iii) For a long time, the regions of Western Europe were shaped by feudal relations unified under


 NOMADIC EMPIRE Class-xi    SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS 1. Where did historians get information about Mongols? Ans. Historians got information about mongols mainly from chronicles, travelogues and documents produced by city based scholars. 2.Name two Russian historians who did excellent research on Mongols. Ans. Boris Yakovlevich Vladimirtsov and Vasily Vladimirovich Bartold were the two historians who produced some good quality work on Mongol's history. 3. Why was Bartold work on Mongols censored?  Ans.Bartold sympathetic and positive view on the achievements of the Mongols under the Genghis Khan and his successors were against the view point of Stalin regime. So his works were censored and curtailed from circulation. 4.Who were Mongols? Ans. The Mongols were a diverse body of people, linked by similarities of language to the Tatars, Khitan and Manchus to the East and the Turkic tribes to the West. 5. What did Mongols do for living?  Ans. Some of the Mongols were pastoralists and

Sample Paper-6,ANSWER KEY




CLASS-XII,Sample Question Paper-1

 Sample Question Paper-1 (Issued by Board dated 16th Sep. 2022) HISTORY Class- XII Time Allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 four varnas General Instructions: (i) Question paper comprises five Sections - ABCD and E. There are 34 questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory. (ii) Section A-Question 1 to 21 are MCQs of 1 mark each (iii) Section B-Question no. 22 to 27 are Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 60-80 words. (iv) Section C-Question no 28 to 30 are Long Answer Type Questions, carrying 8 marks each.Answer to each  question not exceed 300-350 words.  (v) Section D-Question no. 31 to 33 are Source based questions with three sub questions and are of 4 marks each (vi) Section E-Question no 34 is Map based carrying 5 marks that includes the identification and location of significant and location of significant test items.Attach the map with the answer book .  (vii)There is no overall choice in the question pape


 CASE BASED QUESTION 1.Read the source given below carefully and answer the questions that follow: "We are not going just to copy' This is what Jawahar Lal Nehru said in his famous speech of 13 December, 1946: We say that it is our firm and solemn resolve to have an independent sovereign republic. India is bound to be sovereign, it is bound to be independent and it is bound to be a republic... Now, some friends have raised the question: "Why have you not put in the word 'democratic' here?" Well, I told them that it is conceivable, of course, that a republic may not be democratic but the whole of our past is witness to this fact that we stand for democratic institutions. Obviously we are aiming at democracy and nothing less than a democracy. What form of democracy, what shape it might take is another matter. The democracies of the present day, many of them in Europe and elsewhere, have played a great part in the world's progress. Yet it may be doubtful if


CASE BASED QUESTIONS(ANSWER)  ANS.1.(i) Politically, sovereignty refers to a dominant power or supreme authority. Sovereignty can be defined as the independent authority of the State, unaffected by any other State or outside power (ii) During its first year as an independent nation, the Constituent Assembly of India drafted the Constitution of India. Members of the British Cabinet Mission and the leaders of the Indian independence movement negotiated its establishment. (iii) Democracies cannot be copied by democratic means in a supposedly democratic country. On the contrary, democracy improves with time. Any government set up here must be compatible with the temperament of the people. ANS.2.(i) As Govind Ballabh Pant argued, people need to stop focusing exclusively on themselves and their communities in order to become loyal citizens. In order to succeed in democracy, one must learn self- discipline. (ii) For the success of democracy, one should have loyalty to static. There should be


(LONG-ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS) Ans 1.It was not easy for the Britishers to suppress the revolt. However, they took measures to crush the rebels.   Passing of Laws to Help the Troops:   #The British passed several laws to help the troops before sending them to retake North India.  #The military officers were also empowered to try and punish the rebel Indians.  #The ordinary process of law and trial was ignored by them.  #With the help of newly passed legislation and the Increased reinforcements coming from Britain, the British started the process of suppressing the revolt.  #The British thought reconquering Delhi was essential to suppress the revolt. Therefore, in June 1857, the British attacked Delhi from two directions Captain Hudson arrested the Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah II and Begum Zinat Mahal from the Tomb of Humayun on 21st September 1857 Resorting to Diplomacy : The British, while resorting to diplomacy, kept the educated Indians at bay and protected a rift between rebels and th


 (LONG-ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS) 1. "The British used military power on a gigantic scale and passed number of Acts to suppress the Revolt of 1857."Elucidate the statement with suitable examples. 2.Describe the circumstances that led to the initiation of Non-Cooperation Movement by Gandhi ji. Explain the significance of this movement? 3. Describe the role of Gandhiji as a social reformer and as a Political leader .


 SECTION A (SHORT-ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS) Ans. 1. The Drafting Committee provided three list of subjects: Union, State and Concurrent. (a) The subjects in the first list were to be the preserve of the Central Government. (b) While those in the second list were vested with the states. (c) As for the third list, here Centre and States share responsibility. Ans. 2 (a) Jotedars were rich peasants in Bengal. Many of them owned large plots of land, sometimes covering thousands of acres. They controlled local trade and commerce, including money-lending. The local villagers greatly benefited from their influence. They were regarded more powerful than the Zamindars. Following are the main reasons for the high status of Jotedars. (i) At the local level, the Jotedars controlled the trade and commerce, as well as the money lending business. (ii) In order to weaken the Zamindars, Jotedars would mobilise ryots to not to pay or delay payment towards land revenue. (iii) The Jotedars opposed the moves o


 CLASS-XII   History.    SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS 1.Describe the 3 list of federalism provided by the drafting committee in the constituent assembly. 2.”The jotedar were more effective than that of zamindars in the villages.” Examine the statement in the contest of Permanent Settlement. 3.Examine how the lives of Paharias in the hills of Raj Mahal, were intimately connected to the forests. 4.Explain the main provisions of subsidiary alliance as devised by the Lord Wellesley in 1798. 5.Explain the province of Irwin - Gandhi pact.Why was it criticised why the radical Nationalists?

An Empire Across Three Continents

 Class 11  History  Chapter 3  An Empire Across Three Continents Very Short Answer Type Questions  1.Name the three important players of the Roman Empire. 2. Name the sea that seperates the continents of Europe and Africa. 3. What do you mean by the ‘Augustan Age’ ? 4. How is Roman Empire classified ? 5. Who established Principate and when ? 6. What was the position of slaves in the Roman society during third century ? 7. Which were the two powerful empires that ruled over most of Europe? 8. Which rivers made boundaries of the Roman empire from the north side? 9. Which languages were spoken in upper classes in east and west of the early empire of Rome? 10. What were the great urban centers that lined the shores of the Mediterranean? 11. What was the legal right of property of women after marriage in Roman society in the third century? 12. Which languages had been used for writing and reading in Rome during third century? 13. What were Amphorae? 14. What was Dressel 20 in Spain? 15. Wha


 CLASS-12 THEME 10 COLONIALISM AND THE COUNTRYSIDE 1.When was the permanent settlement introduced in Bengal? Ans.1793 by the Charles Cornwallis 2.To whom were the zamindars assigned the task of collecting revenue in the villages? Ans.Amlah 3.Who were the gantidars or mandals? Ans.Rich peasants or jotedars. 4.When permanent settlement was introduced, who was the Raja of Burdwan at that time? Ans.Tejchand. 5.Buchanan travelled through the Rajmahal hills In the winter of 1810-11. (true/false) Ans.True 6.The land grant to the Santhals at least one tenth of the area was to be cleared and cultivated within the first 12 years. (true/false) Ans.False 7.The Deccan revolt began in----------- a large village in Poona district. Ans.False 8.When did the 5th report published in the parliament? Ans.1813 9.Which committee presented the 5th report in the British Parliament? Ans.Select Committee 10.Who was Francis Buchanan Ans.He was a Physician who came to India and served in Bengal Medical Services, h


 CLASS 11 WRITING AND CITY LIFE VERY SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS  1.Where did urban life begin in the world ? What is its present name ? 2. When did excavation begun in Mesopotamia ? Which three types of cities were found (excavated) here ? 3. Write any three causes for the development of urbanisation in Mesopotamia. 4. Which was the oldest Mesopotamian town ? When did it came into existence ? 5. What does the excavation reveals regarding Ur ? Write any three. 6. Mention any three features of Urban life. 7. Why was literacy rate so slow in Mesopotamia ? 8. Which was the earliest language known to Mesopotamians ? Which language replaced it and when ? 9. Why was there agricultural crisis in Mesopotamia ? 10. What was the status of women in Mesopotamian society ? 11. What were the different types of slaves in Mesopotamian society ? 12. Name the chief deity worshipped in the city of Ur. SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTION : 13. Name the imports and exports of Mesopotamia. 14. Describe main features


                                                     SARASWATI VIDYA MANDIR KAMLA NAGAR ,AGRA                                                                             UNIT TEST-2                                                                           SESSION-2022-23                                                                                HISTORY                                                                                CLASS-XI M.M-40.                                                                                                                                  TIME-2HOURS INSTRUCTIONS: All questions are Compulsory. Section A:Question number 1 to 10 or Carrying 1 marks each. Section B:Question number 11 to 15 are carrying 3 marks each. Section C: Question number 16 to 18 are carrying 5 marks each.                                                                           SECTION-A 1.Renaissance is best known for its (a) cultural developments (b) social developments (c) p

Class-9 Chapter -Climate

 Class-9 Chapter -Climate Instrutions: Question 1 to 7 are very short type  carrying one mark each. Question 8 to 13 are short type  carrying three marks each. Question 14 to 15 are long type carrying five marks each. Very short type questions 1.Distinguish between climate and weather. 2. What does the word ‘Monsoon’ mean? 3. What is the influence of the division of India by the Tropic of Cancer? 4. What are jet streams? 5. What is Coriolis force? 6. What is ‘Kaal Baisakhi’? 7. What are ‘Mango-Showers’? Short type question: 8.What is the ITCZ? 9.What is the El Nino phenomenon connected with the Southern Oscillation? 10.Explain any three factors which affect the mechanism of monsoons. 11. Station A Latitude Altitude A 12 degree N 909 m B 26 degree N 160 m Study the table given above and answer the following questions: (a) What type of climate does station A have and why? (b) What type of climate does station B have and why? 12. Differentiate between south east monsoon and no

Class-9 Chapter - working of Institution

 Class-9 Chapter - working of Institution Instrutions: Question 1 to 5 are very short type  carrying one mark each. Question 6 to 10 are short type  carrying three marks each. Question 11 &12 are long type carrying five marks each. M.m30 Time-60min VERY SHORT TYPE QUESTION 1. Who was the head of the Mandal Commission? 2. Who have the power to interpret the Constitution of the country? 3. What do you understand by public interest litigation? 4. Who elect the  President? 5. Who is considered as the head of the state and who is head of the government? SHORT TYPE QUESTION 6. What do you mean by the Council of Ministers? 7. Who are the major functionaries in India? 8. How is the Lok Sabha more powerful than the Rajya Sabha? 9. What does the ‘Independence of Judiciary’ mean? 10. What is the difference between Political Executive and Permanent executive? Long type question 11. State the powers of the President. 12. How powerful is the Prime Minister of India?