
Showing posts from December, 2022

Bricks, Beads and Bones: The Harappan Civilization (chapter 1)

Theme –I : Bricks, Beads and Bones: The Harappan Civilization (chapter 1) Q1.From where did Harappans get gold? (a) South India (b) Central India (c) Himalayan Region (d) Chotta Nagpur region    Answer (a) South India Explanation: South India was the main source of Gold. During the period of the Indus Valley Civilization (7380 BC-1500 BC), gold from the Kolar mine in Karnataka, South India, reached Indus Valley sites in what is now Pakistan. Q2. Consider the following statement: 1. After independence, most of the Harappan civilization centres went over to Pakistan. 2. The Harappan script has been deciphered. 3. Rulers had an important role in Harappan civilization. 4. Dead were buried in Harappa. Which of the above is correct statement? (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3 and 4 (c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4 Answer: (b) 1, 3 and 4 Explanation: Harappan Civilization was one the earliest civilization. After Partition of India and Pakistan most of the part of the Harappan civilization went to Pakis


 CLASS-IX Poverty as challenge 1. Name one of the most important and difficult challenges faced by independent India. 2. What are the poverty indicators in India? 3. When was the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) passed? 4. Which state out of Bihar, Odisha, Punjab and Assam has the highest poverty ratio? 5. What do we mean by the term ‘vulnerability to poverty? 6. What is the accepted average calorie requirement in India? 7. How have Kerala and West Bengal reduced their poverty? 8. How has poverty reduced in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu? 9. Which are the two planks on which anti-poverty strategy of the government is based? 10. What is Rural Employment Generation Programme? 11. What are the dimensions of poverty? 12. Name any two social groups which are most vulnerable to poverty. 13. What are the major objectives of the Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana? 14. What are the main features of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005?   15. On


 CLASS-12 HISTORY(CHAPTER-01) 1.Who was REM Wheeler? Mention any one of his contribution in the field of archaeology? 2.Who was John Marshall? How did he mark a change in Indian archaeology? 3.Discuss whether the concept of equality was followed by the harappan society . 4.What are the evidence found why the archaeologist which show that the Harappans had contact with distant lands? Does it show that the contacts proved 2 have a good trade relation with each ? 5.Write any 3 views on the decline of Harappan civilization . 6.Write any 3 characteristics of the bricks used in Harappan settlements. 7.List the raw material required for craft protection in harappan civilization and discuss how these might have been obtained. 8.How does the architectural feature of mohenjodaro indicate town planning. 9. Hadappa script is enigmatic according to archaeologist and Historians.. justify. 10.What are the aspects of harappan economy that have been reconstructed from archaeological evidences? 11.What

Class 12 Chapter 1 Bricks, Beads and Bones

 History  Class 12  Chapter 1  Bricks, Beads and Bones: The Harappan Civilisation Question 1. What is the most distinctive artifact of Harappan civilization? Answer; The most distinctive Artifact of Harappan civilization is the Harappan seal. Question 2. Which stone was used to make the Harappan seal? Answer; Stone called "steatite" was used to make Harappan seal. Question 3. What was the unique feature of Harappan seal? Answer; Each Harappan seal contains animal motifs and signs. Question 4. Do we have an understanding of the Harappan seal language? Answer; No we have an understanding of the Harappan seal language. Question 5. What is left behind in Harappa? Answer; Harappa is left behind with their houses, pots, ornaments, tools and seals etc. Question 6. What is other name for Indus valley civilization? Answer; The other name for Indus valley civilization is Harappan culture or Harappan civilization. Question 7. What do you understand by the term "culture"? Answe


                      CLASS-11 DISPLACING INDIGENOUS PEOPLE IMPORTANT QUESTION:- 1.What are the important points, you consider in the history of North America and Australia? Answer: These points are as under- 1. Europeans were equally dominated on both continents. 2. Europeans cheated the native people of North America and Australia and grabbed their lands and drove them to reservations. 3. Native peoples in both lands were simple, god fearing, lovers of nature, self-restrained and social. 2.Discuss the changes in landscapes of North America during the nineteenth century? Answer: The whole land of America was turned into estates and meadows. Being a variety of landforms here found people of European countries i.e. Germany, Sweden, Italy, etc., all suitable to their needs. (I) people migrating to America were younger sons of the landlords there, who had no right to ancestral property. (ii)some others were those small farmers whose lands were merged with the big landlords under enc

CLASS-12, Harappan civilization

                                                                                   HISTORY                                                                                  CHAPTER-1 Q1.From where did Harappans get gold? (a) South India (b) Central India (c) Himalayan Region (d) Chotanagpur region Q2. Consider the following statement: 1. After independence, most of the Harappan civilization centers went over to Pakistan. 2. The Harappan script has been deciphered. 3. Rulers had an important role in Harappan civilization. 4. Dead were buried in Harappa. Which of the above is the correct statement? (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3 and 4 (c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4   Q5. Identify the sculpture and choose the correct answer (a) Priest King (b) Mother Goddess (c) God Shiva (d) Others Q6. Which town in Indus Vally Civilasation had no Citadel (a) Mohenjodaro (b) Harappa (c) Chanhudaro (d) Lothal Q7. Which of these is the feature of Harappan Civilization? (a) Urban planning (b) Drainage system (c)

CLASS-9, poverty as challenge

 Class-9 Chapter- poverty as challenge Instrutions: Question 1 to 4 are very short type  carrying two mark each. Question 5 to 8 are short type  carrying three marks each. Question 9 &10 are long type carrying five marks each. 1.What is social exclusion? 2.Which States have the most number of poors with respect to headcount ratio? 3.What where the aims of Pradhan mantra gramodayayojana (PMGY)? 4. What is the average number of calories required per person per day in rural and urban areas of India? 5. What the principal measures taken in Punjab, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh to reduce poverty. 6. What are the dimensions of poverty? 7. What is the historical cause of poverty in India? 8.Discuss the major reasons for poverty in India. 9. What is the global poverty scenario? 10.NREGA 2005 is an important anti-poverty programme. Explain.


 CLASS-12 CHAPTER-4 Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings (Cultural Developments) Question 1. Name the Begum of Bhopal who provided manely for the preservation of Sachi Stupa? Answer: Shahjehan Begum and her successor Sultan Jahan Begum. Question 2. Which thinkers emerged in the world during the mid-first millennium BCE? Answer: Zarathustra in Iran, Kong Zi in China, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle in Greece, and Mahavira and Gautam Budha in India. Question 3. When was Rigveda compiled? Answer: Between C. 1500 and 1000 BCE. Question 4. What is Rigveda consist of? Answer: Rigveda consists of hymns in praise of many deities such as Indra and Soma. Question 5. Who performed rajasuya and Ashvamedha sacrifices? Answer: They were performed by Chiefs and Kings with the help of Brahmins. Question 6. What is meant by Kutagarashala? Answer: A hut with a pointed roof. Question 7. Who questioned the authority of the Vedas? Answer: Mahavira and the Buddha questioned the authority of the Vedas. Question 8.

CLASS-12, Bhakti Sufi tradition

                                                                    SAMPLE PAPER                                                            BHAKTI SUFI TRADITION                                                                         CLASS-12                                                                         HISTORY GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Question paper comprises five Sections – A, B, C, D and E. There are 34 questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory. (ii) Section A – Questions 1 to 20 are MCQs  and VSQ of 1 mark each. (iii) Section B – Questions no. 21 to 30 are Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 60-80 words. (iv) Section C – Questions no 31 to 33 are Long Answer Type Questions, carrying 8 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 300-350 words (v) Section D – Question no. 34 is Map based, carrying 6 marks that include the  location of significant test items. Attach the map with the answer b


 Class-10 Chapter- AGRICULTURE Question 1 to 5 are very short type  carrying two mark each. Question 6 to 10 are short type  carrying three marks each. Question 11 &12 are long type carrying five marks each. 1. What are agro-based industries ? Name any two. 2. Mention India’s cropping seasons.write two example of each. 3. Who started Bhoodan ? What was its aim ? 4. Name the Different Names of Slash and Burn Agriculture around the world?  5. Name one important beverage crop and specify the geographical conditions required for its growth. 6. Describe the geographical conditions required for the growth of rice. 7. Establish the difference between Commercial farming and Subsistence farming with the help of a suitable example. 8. Explain the climatic conditions required for the production of jute. What are the uses of Jute ? 9. Describe the reforms brought in the Indian agriculture after independence through the efforts of the Indian government. 10. What are the chal

CLASS-9, natural vegetation and wildlife

 Class-9 Chapter- natural vegetation and wildlife Question 1 to 06 are very short type  carrying one mark each. Question 07 to 09 are very short type  carrying two mark each. Question 10 to 13 are short type  carrying three marks each. Question 14 &15 are long type carrying five marks each. M.M:36 TIME-60 MIN 1. Which species come under the virgin vegetation? A. Endemic species.                              B. Indian species C. Both A and B.                                     D. Exotic species 2. Which type of vegetation is found only in the northwestern part of India? A. The Mangrove Forests                      B. The Thorn Forests and Scrubs C. The Tropical Deciduous Forests       D. The Tropical Evergreen Forests 3. When was the Wildlife Protection Act implemented in India? A. 1979.                                                         B. 1972 C. 1975.                                                         D. 1978 4. Given term is used for the original plant cover grown nat


                                            Class-9                               Chapter- POPULATION Time-60min.                                                                                M.m-30 Instructions:- Question 1 to 05 are very short type  carrying one mark each. Question 06 to 10 are very short type  carrying tHREE mark each. Question 11 to 12 are short type  carrying  five marks each. 1.How would you define the term ‘density of population’? 2. Why is the North India, plain thickly populated? Give two reasons. 3. What is census? 4. What is sex ratio?Which state have highest sex ration? 5. What is occupational structure? 6. Explain the occupational structure of India. 7. What are the push and pull factors of internal migration in India? 8. What is age composition? How does it affect the population’s social and economic structure? 9. Who is a literate person according to the Census 2001? Why is literacy considered important for the quality of the population? 10. What do you